
Linux terminal commands for beginner

6/13/2016 12:00:00 AM

Linux top command:

=>>go to your expected directory using

cd  Desktop


=>>provide your expected file name like

cat> filename.txt                       //[after providing filename hit enter]

[Now you can write something then press “ctl+d”  to save the txt to your “filename.txt”]


=>>show all text of “filename.txt” using

cat  filename.txt

=>>go to your expected directory where you want to create a new folder

cd Desktop            //[I want to create a new folder to my desktop]


=>>make your directory

mkdir  NewfolderName             //[replace your foldername to NewfolderName]


=>>you can preview your list of content of your current directory


=>> list recursively directory tree

ls -R

=>>to go your newly created folder

cd NewfolderName


=>>provide your expected file name like

cat> filename2.txt                                 //[after providing filename hit enter]

[Now you can write something then press “ctl+d”  to save the txt to your “filename2.txt”]


=>>show all text of “filename2.txt” using

cat  filename2.txt


=>>copy “filename.txt” text to “filename2.text”

cp  filename.txt   filename2.txt


=>>move “filename.txt” text to “filename2.txt”

mv  filename.txt   filename2.txt

Ctl+d  [to save all last activity]


=>>to remove file

rm filename2.txt


=>>to remove folder(but remove file from folder first)

rmdir NewfolderName


=>>to write file

chmod  a+w filename.txt


=>>to execute file

chmod  a+x


=>>to all select

chmod  755*


About Teacher

Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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