
How to upload image in database and displaying it using ASP.NET MVC | jquery Ajax

4/15/2017 12:00:00 AM


Step 1 : Create a database table

Step 2 : Click on visual studio create a new project

Step 3 : Connect your database

Step 4 : Create a new class 

 public class ImageViewModel
        public int ImageId { get; set; }
        public string ImageTitle { get; set; }
        public byte[] ImageByte { get; set; }
        public string ImagePath { get; set; }
        public HttpPostedFileWrapper ImageFile { get; set; }

Step 5 : Create a controller and write this below code.

public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            MVCTutorialEntities db = new MVCTutorialEntities();
            return View();

        public JsonResult ImageUpload(ImageViewModel model)
            MVCTutorialEntities db = new MVCTutorialEntities();
            int imgId = 0;
            var file = model.ImageFile;
            byte[] imagebyte = null;
            if (file != null)
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream);
                imagebyte = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength);
                StoreImage img = new StoreImage();
                img.ImageTitle = file.FileName;
                img.ImageByte = imagebyte;
                img.ImagePath = "/UploadImage/" + file.FileName;
                imgId = img.ImageId;
            return Json(imgId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public ActionResult DisplayingImage(int imgid)
            MVCTutorialEntities db = new MVCTutorialEntities();

            var img = db.StoreImages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ImageId == imgid);
            return File(img.ImageByte, "image/jpg");

Step 6: Create a view and write this below code.

@model UploadImageInDataBase.Models.ImageViewModel

<br /><br />

<div class="container">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <input type="file" id="SelectImage" /><br />
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" onclick="UploadImage()">Upload</a>

    <div class="col-md-4 thumbnail" id="UploadedImage"></div>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>

    var UploadImage = function () {
        var file = $("#SelectImage").get(0).files;
        var data = new FormData;
        data.append("ImageFile", file[0]);
            type: "POST",
            url: "/Home/ImageUpload",
            data: data,
            contentType: false,
            processData: false,
            success: function (imgID) {
                $("#UploadedImage").append('<img src="/Home/DisplayingImage?imgID=' + imgID + '"class=img-responsive  thimbnail"/>');


 Now run this application

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Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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