
How to export database data in excel file using ASP.NET MVC

4/21/2017 12:00:00 AM


Step 1: create database.

Step 2:  click on visual studio and create new project.

Step 3: install needed reference file ( EPPlus ) like as video.

Step 4 :  connect your database.

Step 5 :  Create a new class (EmployeeViewModel.cs).

public class EmployeeViewModel
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }
        public int Experience { get; set; }

Step 5: create a controller and add view ( view for show the all record from the database table).


public class HomeController : Controller
        MVCTutorialEntities db = new MVCTutorialEntities();
        public ActionResult Index()
            List<EmployeeViewModel> emplist = db.EmployeeInfoes.Select(x => new EmployeeViewModel
                EmployeeId = x.EmployeeId,
                EmployeeName = x.EmployeeName,
                Email = x.Email,
                Phone = x.Phone,
                Experience = x.Experience

            return View(emplist);


@model IEnumerable<ExportExcelDemo.Models.EmployeeViewModel>

<div class="container">
    <table class="table table-responsive">
            @if (Model != null)
                foreach (var item in Model)
                    if (item.Experience < 5)

                        <tr style="background-color:pink">
    <a href="@Url.Action("ExportToExcel","Home")">Export Excel</a>

Step 6 : add new  method  in your controller (method for download excel file with all record).

public void ExportToExcel()
            List<EmployeeViewModel> emplist = db.EmployeeInfoes.Select(x => new EmployeeViewModel
                EmployeeId = x.EmployeeId,
                EmployeeName = x.EmployeeName,
                Email = x.Email,
                Phone = x.Phone,
                Experience = x.Experience

            ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage();
            ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Report");

            ws.Cells["A1"].Value = "Communication";
            ws.Cells["B1"].Value = "Com1";

            ws.Cells["A2"].Value = "Report";
            ws.Cells["B2"].Value = "Report1";

            ws.Cells["A3"].Value = "Date";
            ws.Cells["B3"].Value = string.Format("{0:dd MMMM yyyy} at {0:H: mm tt}",DateTimeOffset.Now);

            ws.Cells["A6"].Value = "EmployeeId";
            ws.Cells["B6"].Value = "EmployeeName";
            ws.Cells["C6"].Value = "Email";
            ws.Cells["D6"].Value = "Phone";
            ws.Cells["E6"].Value = "Experience";

            int rowStart = 7;
            foreach (var item in emplist)
                if (item.Experience < 5)
                    ws.Row(rowStart).Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;


                ws.Cells[string.Format("A{0}", rowStart)].Value = item.EmployeeId;
                ws.Cells[string.Format("B{0}", rowStart)].Value = item.EmployeeName;
                ws.Cells[string.Format("C{0}", rowStart)].Value = item.Email;
                ws.Cells[string.Format("D{0}", rowStart)].Value = item.Phone;
                ws.Cells[string.Format("E{0}", rowStart)].Value = item.Experience;

            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment: filename=" + "ExcelReport.xlsx");


Now run your Application

About Teacher

Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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