
Part-3: Create Database and Table in sql server for school management system

Part-04: Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template setup in School Management Software Part 5: How to use AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-6: CRUD Operation Insert Data using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-7: CRUD Operation & Load Data using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-08: CRUD Operation Edit, Delete Data using Angularjs in ASP.NET MVC Part-3: Create Database and Table in sql server for school management system Part-09: Insert Section data using ASP.NET MVC AngularJs Part-10: Edit Update and Delete Section data using Angular js | ASP.NET MVC | Jquery Part-11: Cascading Dropdownlist Section Batch selection in MVC JQUERY AngularJS Part-12: Insert & Delete course information for school management software using ASP.NET MVC Javascript Angularjs Part-13: Create Update course info in ASP.NET MVC AngularJs JQUERY Javascript Part-14: Insert data and Page design bootstrap using ASP.NET MVC JQUERY AngularJS Part-15: Insert & Get data using store procedure in SQL Server ASP.NET MVC AngularJS JQUERY Part-16: Load student list,bootstrap and Inactive using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS Jquery Part-17: User authentication using Store procedure Javascript AngularJS JQUERY ASP.NET MVC Part-18: User authentication, authorization and login using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS Javascript JQUERY Part-19: User Registration & Insert semester Info using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-20: Load semester info & Student course offer page design using ASP.NET MVC JQUERY Angularjs Part-21: Course Offer Entry Using Jquery Multiple Data Save (Part-1) using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS SMS-22: Student Course Offer Entry happens Using Jquery Multiple Data Save List view dropdownlist Load using Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-23: Student course offer list semester search using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS JQUERY SMS-24: Student Marks Entry page in table column input marks entry using Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-25: Student Course Mark multiple data save using jquery with Stored Procedure & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-26: Student Marks list show by search student name and trimester Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-27: Student profile create and browse profile using Store procedure AngularJS Jquery ASP.NET SMS-28: Student Result show by search trimester and myasp server registration and login using Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC

11/2/2021 10:54:56 AM

Here I will show you how you can create Database and Table in sql server for school management system.


Step-1: create Database & tables   in SQL Server.

  • Go to SQL Server 2014 > Click New Query Button>   with writing the below highlight code.
  • Open Sql Server managment studio for running your sql server database and  table creation codes.
create database dbStudentMangeSystem
use dbStudentMangeSystem

create table tblBatch(
BatchId int Identity primary key,
BatchName nvarchar(max)

create table tblSection(
SectionId int Identity primary key,
SectionName nvarchar(max),
BatchId int,
foreign key (BatchId) references tblBatch(BatchId)

create table tblCourse(
CourseId int Identity primary key,
CourseName nvarchar(max),
BatchId int,
SectionId int,
foreign key (BatchId) references tblBatch(BatchId),
foreign key (SectionId) references tblSection(SectionId)

create table tblTrimesterInfo(
TrimesterInfoId  int Identity primary key,
TrimesterInfoName nvarchar(max)

create table tblStudent(
StudentId int Identity primary key,
StudentIdNO nvarchar(max),
BatchId int,
SectionId int,
DOB datetime,
Age decimal(18,2),
Gender  nvarchar(max),
Religion  nvarchar(max),
Image  nvarchar(max),
FatherName  nvarchar(max),
MotherName  nvarchar(max),
PresentAddrees  nvarchar(max),
PermanentAddress  nvarchar(max),
AddmittedDate datetime,
Status bit,
foreign key (BatchId) references tblBatch(BatchId),
foreign key (SectionId) references tblSection(SectionId)

create table tblStudentCourseOffer(
StudentCourseOfferId  int Identity primary key,
CourseId int,
TrimesterInfoId int,
StudentId int,
CourseOfferDate datetime,
foreign key (CourseId) references tblCourse(CourseId),
foreign key (TrimesterInfoId) references tblTrimesterInfo(TrimesterInfoId)


create table tblStudentMarksEntry(
StudentMarksEntryId int Identity primary key,
CourseId int,
TrimesterInfoId int,
StudentId int,
Marks decimal(18,2),
MarksOutOf  decimal(18,2),
foreign key (CourseId) references tblCourse(CourseId),
foreign key (TrimesterInfoId) references tblTrimesterInfo(TrimesterInfoId),
foreign key (StudentId) references tblStudent(StudentId)


create table tblNoticeBoard(
NoticeBoardId  int Identity primary key,
NoticeBoardSubject nvarchar(max),
Description  nvarchar(max),
CreatedDate datetime

create table tblUser(
UserId  int Identity primary key,
UserName nvarchar(max),
LoginName nvarchar(max),
Password nvarchar(max),
UserType nvarchar(max)
  • Press ctrl+f5 for Execute Query in sql server managment studio

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Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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