
Part-15: Insert & Get data using store procedure in SQL Server ASP.NET MVC AngularJS JQUERY

Part-04: Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template setup in School Management Software Part 5: How to use AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-6: CRUD Operation Insert Data using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-7: CRUD Operation & Load Data using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-08: CRUD Operation Edit, Delete Data using Angularjs in ASP.NET MVC Part-3: Create Database and Table in sql server for school management system Part-09: Insert Section data using ASP.NET MVC AngularJs Part-10: Edit Update and Delete Section data using Angular js | ASP.NET MVC | Jquery Part-11: Cascading Dropdownlist Section Batch selection in MVC JQUERY AngularJS Part-12: Insert & Delete course information for school management software using ASP.NET MVC Javascript Angularjs Part-13: Create Update course info in ASP.NET MVC AngularJs JQUERY Javascript Part-14: Insert data and Page design bootstrap using ASP.NET MVC JQUERY AngularJS Part-15: Insert & Get data using store procedure in SQL Server ASP.NET MVC AngularJS JQUERY Part-16: Load student list,bootstrap and Inactive using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS Jquery Part-17: User authentication using Store procedure Javascript AngularJS JQUERY ASP.NET MVC Part-18: User authentication, authorization and login using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS Javascript JQUERY Part-19: User Registration & Insert semester Info using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC Part-20: Load semester info & Student course offer page design using ASP.NET MVC JQUERY Angularjs Part-21: Course Offer Entry Using Jquery Multiple Data Save (Part-1) using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS SMS-22: Student Course Offer Entry happens Using Jquery Multiple Data Save List view dropdownlist Load using Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-23: Student course offer list semester search using ASP.NET MVC AngularJS JQUERY SMS-24: Student Marks Entry page in table column input marks entry using Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-25: Student Course Mark multiple data save using jquery with Stored Procedure & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-26: Student Marks list show by search student name and trimester Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC SMS-27: Student profile create and browse profile using Store procedure AngularJS Jquery ASP.NET SMS-28: Student Result show by search trimester and myasp server registration and login using Jquery & Angular js in ASP.NET MVC

11/8/2021 10:51:41 AM

In this post, you will Insert & Load using store procedure SQL Server ASP.NET MVC Angularjs Jquery.Here will cover passing parameter in store procedure and writing the store procedure for insert and load data through parameter.



  • Create store Procedure for Insert Student information.
  • Go to SQL Server 2014 > dbStudentMangeSystem database> Programmability> stored procedures> Select New> stored procedure>Create sp_Insert_Student with writing the below code.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Insert_Student]
	-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
	 @StudentName nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @BatchId int=null ,
	 @SectionId int=null ,
	 @DOB datetime=null ,
	 @Gender nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @Religion nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @FatherName nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @MotherName nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @PresentAddrees nvarchar(max)=null ,

	 @PermanentAddress nvarchar(max)=null ,
	 @AddmittedDate datetime=null ,
	 @Status bit=null ,
	 @StudentIdNO nvarchar(max)=null 	 
	-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
	INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblStudent]
           ( StudentName, [BatchId]

			declare @MaxStudentId int 

	 select	@MaxStudentId= MAX(StudentId) from tblStudent 
	 	declare @Bat int 
	 select @Bat= BatchId from tblStudent  where StudentId=@MaxStudentId

	 	declare @BatName nvarchar(max) 
	 select @BatName= BatchName from tblBatch  where BatchId=@Bat
	   declare @StuIDNO nvarchar(max)
	   select @StuIDNO=   ISNULL(MAX(ISNULL(StudentIdNO,0)),0)+1   from tblStudent 
	   where StudentId=@MaxStudentId and BatchId=@Bat

	  insert into tblUser ([UserName]
		  @BatName+ @StuIDNO,
		  @BatName+ @StuIDNO,
	   update tblStudent set StudentIdNO=@StuIDNO where  StudentId=@MaxStudentId


  • Get Student Id No add Dataset GetStudentIdNODAL()   in  StudentDAL.cs class.
  • Go to Solution Explorer > DAL Folder> StudentDAL.cs>  in this Class with writing the below code.
        public DataSet GetStudentIdNODAL()
            SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("sp_GetStudentIDNo", conn);
            com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
            DataSet dss = new DataSet();
            return dss;


  • Create store Procedure for Insert Student information.
  • Go to SQL Server 2014 > dbStudentMangeSystem database> Programmability> stored procedures> Select New> stored procedure>Create sp_GetStudentIDNo with writing the below code.
create  proc [dbo].[sp_GetStudentIDNo]

declare @MaxID int 
select @MaxID= MAX(StudentId) from  tblStudent 

select b.BatchName+  StudentIdNO as StudentIdNO from tblStudent s 
left join tblBatch b on b.BatchId=s.BatchId

 where StudentId=@MaxID


Step-4: Run Application.

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Reza Karim

Software Engineer

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